Some more electro from this double vinyl VA I am mastering. It's quite nice music to work with as it arrives not already squashed to death, unlike a lot of modern dance music, so it really responds well to, and gets most benefit from, all the lovely harmonic and dynamic character the outboard gives.
Mastering some lovely electro for vinyl today. The main thing with old skool style analog production is getting it up to modern loudness without killing the vibe, as the transients are often huge. So I'm doing a lot of soaking up of transients using various stages of saturation as soft clipping, gentle and stage by stage you get a clean reduction in dynamic and gain harmonic richness. Then tightening up the punch with the multiband to make sure the drums make it through the process without losing their snap.
And back to work after the birthday weekend.
Nice solid dub techno that just eats up all the valve goodness.
Phase 2 of the studio rebuild/upgrade is finally complete. 1 month over the expected completion time, but under budget somehow.
Technically I have to put the new super computer in there and set all that up, but that doesn't count, and I can't face it right now 😀
Rearranged, rewired, new compressor integrated, better ventilation for all that valve heat. Didn't expect it to take a day tho...
SSL style compression but multiband?
Rude not to.
Back to work after the hols, some clanking noisy industrial getting vinyl premasters. New toy for the rack arrives tomorrow.
Last day before the Christmas break and it was a long one, but we got there. Feet up, time for booze, mince pies and setting mantraps for Santa.
Well, after a few days off sick, back to work. Some dirty dark breaks today. Really showcasing the amazing SKNote Vastaso 2. After getting some glorious gooeyness from the legendary RS124 the sound hits the Vastaso, double detector mode keeps control but allows the drums to snap and the saturation stage set to transformer mode catches any peaks that get through and rounds them off nicely. Punch, snap and control, leaving the limiters only needing to work gently.
Love working with this compressor, a boutique beauty every studio needs.
Extra treatment up, room calibrated, awaiting a new bit of gear for the rack and then phase 2 of Black Monolith Studio is done.